Otto Warburg Prize for MIT-Professor - Award ceremony and lecture on July 18

Prof. Dr. Yang Shao-Horn
Every year, the Otto Warburg Foundation in Bayreuth awards a prize to outstanding scientists. This year, Professor Yang Shao-Horn from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a leading expert in the field of energy storage, is being honored.
She is receiving the Otto Warburg Prize for her significant contributions to research into energy conversion and storage. Prof. Shao-Horn has contributed significantly to the fundamental understanding of the relationships between the composition, structure and properties of materials that are highly relevant to energy conversion and storage. Her scientific expertise is evidenced by more than 400 publications and several patents. In addition, she is strongly committed to the training and promotion of young scientists. There are already more than 100 who are now pursuing successful careers in industry (e.g. Tesla, Amazon and Apple) and academia. After the award ceremony next week, she will give insights into her work in a lecture.
The lecture will take place on Thursday, July 18, at 5 p.m. in H14 (NW I).