First successfully defended doctoral thesis of the year

Tom Rüther (center) with his doctoral committe (f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dr. Christoph Helbig, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Danzer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Julia Kowal (TU Berlin), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Döpper).
The new year at BayBatt begins with good news from our Graduate School: last week, Tom Rüther, doctoral student at the Chair of Electrical Energy Systems (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Danzer), successfully defended his doctoral thesis on the topic of ‘Characterisation and diagnosis of lithium-ion battery modules’. We would like to congratulate Tom on completing his doctorate and asked him a few questions about his time at BayBatt.
BayBatt: Why did you decide to do a PhD in battery technology at the University of Bayreuth?
- Tom Rüther: I first studied Renewable Energies at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences and at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (Brazil) before moving to the University of Bayreuth for my Master's degree in Energy Technology. I am particularly fascinated by the topic of battery technology, as it not only plays a central role in the energy transition, but also inspires me with its complexity and the multitude of exciting issues. I chose Bayreuth as a location because of the Bavarian Center for Battery Technology, which offers a unique interdisciplinary research landscape.
Can you briefly summarise the content and results of your doctoral project?
- As part of my doctorate, I developed new approaches for the electrical characterisation of lithium-ion batteries. I also designed an electrical test procedure that can be used in future as a basis for decision-making in the circular economy.
What was a highlight of your doctorate?
- My personal highlight was my research stay at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, where I gained valuable experience in the group of Gregory Plett and Scott Trimboli and was able to significantly expand my knowledge.
Where will you go next?
- I am looking forward to continuing my research at the University of Bayreuth in the future as a Post Doc researcher (akademischer Rat) at the Chair of Electrical Energy Systems and dedicating myself to exciting new research questions.
We wish Tom all the best for his professional future and are delighted that he will be continuing his career at BayBatt and the University of Bayreuth!